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Who am I?
How am I supposed to sum that up in a few paragraphs? I am life. I am alive. And I am passionate.
But that doesn’t explain anything, does it?
Would you care to hear about my dreams; the colours I see the world in; the stories I hear from antique pieces about other lives and families they once lived with? The ambitions, desires and all-too-real fears? Or would you rather hear what you thought you would hear? That I am a 40-something-year old woman. An artist. An entrepreneur. A lover of all things beautiful. The seeker of perfectionism in imperfection. The lady who uses her brush to break down walls and paints a bridge of colours to unite the souls of artisans. The animal lover. The vegetarian. The wife, madly in love with the gift of magic the universe gave her, once upon a moon. The mother, beguiled by the eyes of her boys. A creative. A dreamer. A lover. A dancer. A teacher. A student. A philosopher. A seeker. A writer. A wanderer. A listener. A motivator. Perhaps even an unintentional comedian? ;)
Would you really want to know all these things about me? Or would you rather hear about how I started this business? 

Because that’s just an every-person story, right?
Girl realises she is going to turn 40. Changes her career. Changes her life. Changes her name. Changes her colours. Walks away from the past; and unleashes herself into a scary new world. A girl who conquers that world through her tears and her laughter; her fear and joy. A girl who learned about courage and new beginnings from her Snickers. A girl who had to cry her way to her first paintbrush until its bristles reflected the beauty within her. The girl who looked into the big brown eyes of her puppy to realise that beauty begins within; that our scars and scratches, like the marks on our furniture, are our badges of bravery. They tell the story of a life well lived. The girl who had to find the courage to move on in the name of love, when her greatest love passed on? The girl who sought out white feathers to help rebuild her empire.
Is that the story you’re interested in? The story of a paintbrush that took a nearly-40-year-old ex-journalist and her puppy on a magical ride? That showed her all those doors that were just waiting for her to knock upon. That made her say hello to the right people at the right time. Until suddenly, she was sat in her soon-to-be first workshop, wondering how on earth did she get all these huge international companies to like her energy enough to trust their brands in her hands.
Yet, here I am. With all those brands. All the learning. And all that trust, which I offer to you. My tears, my passions, my lessons, my laughter, my art, my little everything.
I present to you all that. Not just brands and products that I sell.
I present to you my dream. And the dreams of all the creators of the brands I represent.
I present to you passion. To take forth and conquer. To make your own; and draw a world of beauty for yourself.
I present to you me. A once-upon-a-time girl who grew into the passionate woman holding her brush in front of you. 
I present to you my journey. I give you my paint-splattered hand. 
And I close my eyes and believe that you will take hold of it. Because I have something magical to offer you.
I offer you freedom. Liberation. Creation. 
And it begins with your first brush stroke.

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Muby Astruc: Event
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